Inspiration always strikes me in a mysterious way. I never know when or what will ignite my creativity. This series came to life in just such a moment. I don’t enjoy working in complete silence, so one day, I decided to listen to classical music—specifically Vivaldi. Suddenly, I felt an urge to dance to the music. My love for dance has followed me since childhood. I started dancing, and instantly, I knew: yes, this would be my next series. I would dance to Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, specifically the Spring concerto, and express through painted dance movements what the brilliant composer conveyed through music. I adore the airiness, subtle scents, and colors of spring.

*With this creation, I tell the story of lightness, renewal, and the awakening of spring—just as the iconic music does. Those who love pastel tones, nature-inspired art, or seek airy works radiating harmony will surely find this series close to their hearts. Let me share a little secret: there will be another series inspired by The Four Seasons. Can you guess which concerto will be next?*
